Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Boston & New England HSP Group Web Site

Just a quick announcement that the group's web site has recently been updated, and in response to several inquiries, a new page about HSPs and seeking counseling/therapy has been added to the site.

This page includes information about HSPs and seeking care from physical or mental health providers, as well as a (very) short list of therapists and coaches who work with HSPs. You can visit the new page here.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Boston HSP Group Reaches 50 members!

The Boston and New England HSP Group-- that is, our discussion group on YahooGroups-- reached a small "milestone" today, as our 50th member joined the group.

Whereas this remains a fairly small sized group, it none-the-less makes the group the largest Regional/Local HSP group in the US, after the well-promoted and much older groups in Northern and Southern California.

If you've landed on one of our pages and are an HSP in the "upper right corner," come join our growing group!

Just click on "discussion forum" under the words "Where to find us" in the left column!

Friday, September 18, 2009

2010 HSP East Coast Gathering announced

It was recently announced that there will be another HSP Gathering Retreat in the eastern US, in 2010.

Although not in our immediate area, the Gathering will take place at Black Mountain, North Carolina, on April 8-12, 2010. To learn more, you can visit Creator/Organizer Jacquelyn Strickland's web site where updates will be posted, as available.

The event will take place at the YMCA Black Mountain campus, near Asheville, NC. Don't for a moment think this is your average "Y," this facility is a full-service conference center, set on 1200 acres of natural parkland in the Blue Ridge Mountains.

If you've ever considered going to an HSP Gathering, these are wonderful and enriching events.