Monday, February 01, 2010

Tribe Magazine and Community for HSPs

The HSP Community now has its own magazine!

If you aren't already familiar with it, "Tribe" is a new magazine (in print, and online) created by HSPs, for and about HSPs covering a wide range of HSP-related topics. It's a beautiful and relevant magazine for HSPs; the second issue is currently in production.

The fact that there is now an "all HSP" magazine is testament to how far awareness of high sensitivity has grown, since Elaine Aron published her first book in 1996.

In addition to being a magazine, Tribe also an online community for HSPs. The web site's forums serve in part as a place for HSPs to connect with their peers, as well as a place where HSPs can submit their creative writing, poetry, articles and photography to be considered for publication in the magazine.

This first link is to the Tribe Magazine forums-- it's growing online community of friendly and welcoming HSPs. You will have to register in order to participate in discussions-- but that's quick and easy!

And here's a link to the main magazine web site. Here you can find information about Tribe, links to the online edition, and a place to order the printed edition. Personally, I recommend the paper version-- it's a really nice magazine!

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