There are a couple of new books out, that are important to HSPs.
The first is Elaine Aron's new book "The Undervalued Self." This is not a book about being an HSP, but it is still very useful for HSPs. This book has been ten years in the making; I first heard Dr. Aron present some of the material covered, at an HSP Gathering in California, in 2003.
The core of the book is about helping us understand how we tend to "rank ourselves too low" in the world, typically as a result of negative experiences that happen, as a result of living normal life. This could be anything from having been bullied as a kid, to the effect of a series of failed relationships. What makes it particularly relevant for HSPs is that we tend to internalize and deeply process what happens to us, and then draw unrealistically negative conclusions about what happened.
In addition to illustrating how we undervalue ourselves, and how we use "self-protections" to keep ourselves in a place of low rank, "The Undervalued Self" also is an interactive workbook to help people find healing for the wounds that have kept them trapped. Although very readable, the book can be "heavy going" if you have a lot of wounds in your past and make the commitment to doing the suggested exercises and journaling.
Click on the image below to have a closer look at "The Undervalued Self":
Meanwhile, HSP author Ted Zeff writes about a part of the HSP experience that has long needed further examination: the male HSP.
Although written primarily about male children, "The Strong Sensitive Boy," is also highly recommended reading for adult highly sensitive men, if for no other reason than to find a retrospective sense of recognition and validation of their feelings as children. It is definitely a "must read" for parents of highly sensitive boys.
The book is both explanatory-- outlining the nature of, and issues facing, sensitive boys-- as well as full of useful guidance for parents to help them help their sensitive sons successfully negotiate the conventional "boys club" structure traditionally associated with becoming men. Different chapters cover such things as school, friends, sports, self-esteem, being a teenager, and more.
Click on the following link to have a closer look at "The Strong Sensitive Boy:"
Remember: When you're an HSP, educating yourself about your trait is essential. This is not a "pathology," it is an inborn neurological trait. Because there is nothing to be "cured," it becomes doubly important to understand yourself, so you can make the most of your life, as you are.
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