It's a new year. For many, this means recent new year's resolutions to "change" something in our lives; to improve "how things are."
One of the frequent questions we (the group's admins) get by email concerns HSPs who want to find someone in the helping professions who works "locally."
This is a natural and real concern. When we seek self-development, it is very important to work with someone who "gets it." Alas, the HSP trait is still a fairly "specialized" branch of mental health, so it's not always possible of us to recommend or refer HSPs to someone local.
With that in mind, you might consider "distance learning."
Consultations with an HSP expert-- whether by phone, or by email-- can actually be very effective for HSPs. Although some are skeptical up front, phone and email consultations actually fit the HSP temperament quite well-- allowing us to stay in a comfortable location (home!) while doing effective learning.
If we work by email, the medium allows us plenty of time to "pause and reflect," as HSPs are wont to do. Although working by phone may be "live," it not only allows us to eliminate and anxiety associated with travel or "new places," it eliminates the brightness, loudness and other assaults on our senses... and allows us to focus on the learning.
So if you're seeking help with some issue, don't let the absence of a "local" therapist or coach stand in your way!
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